Foreign investment decisions on the rise in 2016
In 2016, foreign companies took 1,117 investment decisions which targeted France (+ 16%, or 21 decisions on average per week; the best year in the last 10 years). These decisions have created or maintained 30,108 jobs in the country.
51% of these investment decisions were new sites creations, a 20% increase compared to last year. France’s geographical positioning, coupled with its quality transport infrastructure, make it a hub to access other European countries or North Africa. Hence, more than 80% of foreign companies consider France a platform for export activities (source: Kantar Public).
Production and logistics along with R&D are two driving sectors
According to Business France: “Foreign companies invest primarily in production and logistics activities, with 31% of investments made in France.”
“Research and development projects represent 10% of investment decisions, a 32% growth compared to 2015: 115 investment decisions, of which 72 were directed toward research activities. As such, subsidiaries of foreign groups contribute to 28% of R&D expenditures in France”.
These excellent results confirm France as an attractive business location for foreign investors. Its large domestic market (66 million inhabitants and a Gross Domestic Product of 41,005 USD per capita in 20015), fast and reliable transport network, qualified and productive labor force and its favorable environment for R&D activities are a few of its key advantages.
Local authorities play a major role in helping companies setting up in France
In order to speed up the implementation of investments plans, local authorities and economic development agencies provide a broad range of services such as legal and tax information, administrative support or real estate solutions.
By using our investor support service, you will confidentially and within 48 hours, receive comprehensive information on each item needed to set up your project in France.