480 m² building for rent in Naves (19)
The property is located in the immediate vicinity of motorways: 5 minutes away from the A89 and 15 minutes away from the A20.
Type of property
This property is a 480 m² building, 2,200 m² of land (the land is enclosed by a 2-metre high fence). It is divided into two lots: The first lot has an area of 240 m². It is comprised of an office, a WC and shower plus a workshop. The rent for this lot is €2000. The second lot also has an area of 240 m². It is comprised of an office, a WC and an unfenced 180 m² courtyard. The rent for this lot is €1,000.
Location and access
The building is located 5 minutes away from the A89 motorway and 15 minutes away from the A20 motorway.
Building from 240 m²
Technical characteristics and services
Year of construction: 2001
General condition: Good condition
Wall insulation: The building is insulated.
Roof insulation: The roof is 50% steel sheets and 50% photovoltaic panels.
Mobility impaired access: The building is completely accessible to mobility impaired persons.
For rent - From €1,000/m²/month
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